Monday, June 16, 2008

Just thinking

It's been my first full day back in the city and, aside from some things like missing specific people, I guess it still doesn't feel like the show is really over. But this always happens. Days off from a show are more of a welcome break than anything and I think that, in some way, my head still kinda feels like these days off have been like a usual Sunday and Monday during the run. So it sort of makes sense that maybe tomorrow afternoon (when I'd be normally doing the first matinee of the week) would mean the odd feeling that accompanies the end of a show might come upon me.

However, it's now 7:45PM on Monday (Central time) and by now SP and I would be nearing the Indiana/Michigan border (right by "Heidi's" hometown of Niles, a kind of shout-out to her) and the reality of another show being over is once again hitting me. This experience seems to be having many different layers of "really being over". Let's see...

The first would be the final bow on Saturday night. During some shows, the reality of the final show hits me earlier and I begin to allow that reality to sneak into the performance...particularly if it's a dramatic moment. A cheap ploy, but I'm certainly not using it that way.

The second "end" moment would have been the end of strike, saying good-bye to other cast members and their children. That was tougher than I would have expected.

The next moment came just finally getting out of bed Sunday morning because I knew that my time was no longer counted in days but hours and possibly even minutes.

The next moment is pulling away from the Delta House as "Heidi" and "Jonathan" hugged us and stood on the porch and waved good-bye.

Then, three hours later, saying good-bye to SP as he helped me tote my stuff into my building and then drove off.

Now, as I realize I should be heading back to Battle Creek for another week of shows but am instead sitting here watching the Red Sox play interleague ball, the realization that another show has really ended is coming over me.

And finally I imagine tomorrow afternoon, as I'm taking my bike in to get tuned up and ordering cupcakes to send to my agent's office to remind them that I am back in the city and ready to work, I'll look at my phone and see that I would usually be headed to the theater or walking on-stage for the first time or cooling down during intermission or something and that should be the final realization that this show...this really over.

Luckily, I have made many friends that will keep the adventure alive for me.

So, as I told my mother this afternoon as I was doing laundry, I think I'll keep this going. Talking mostly about my theatrical adventures but also eventually linking it to something I've been working on for a while now. So stay tuned. I'm not short on opinions and I'll certainly be giving them soon enough.

I'm excited about my future. It looks bright. Yup...I really believe that.

Y'all have a great night. Let's hope the Red Sox pull this one out (they are currently losing to the stupid Phillies 7-2 in the 6th).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

But will you keep bloggging? That's my question or does that end with the show, stay in Battle Creek with Turkeyville? I need to know.