Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's aaaaaaaaall comin' together...sorta

The big news of the day is that my agent has called and gotten me an audition that I can actually go to! The iffy part of this news is that it's a for a musical that will be done next spring. So I have to come up with a rock song that I can sing a capella tomorrow afternoon. 16 bars. Um...yikes! So I'm soliciting my more musically-theatrical friends to try and come up with a good song for me. "Heidi" is on the job with the Mid-Lifers and has already suggested Metallica's "Ain't My Bitch", which I don't know at all but the fact that she thought immediately of a song like that makes me love and appreciate her just a little bit more than I did 30 minutes ago.

She and "Jonathan" came into the city over their weekend. "J-Dub" (I'm trying out different nicknames for him) got last-minute tickets to the third Sox/Cubs game at Wrigley Field on Sunday night so he was on the South Side with his folks. "Heidi" went home to Niles, MI to see her family (and do some laundry) and then trained into Chicago early Monday morning. So the three of us (SP was in Cincy and couldn't join in the fun) and a girl named "Amber" hung out all day. "Amber" was the girl SP met at a callback in New York earlier this year and had hooked him up with the fine folks at Turkeyville. So indirectly she was responsible for me getting cast in "Don't Dress For Dinner" and it was good to finally meet her.

The four of us all got along famously (not surprisingly) and drank a good deal and played music and told stories and laughed and had a great time. "Amber's" boyfriend joined us a little later and in the evening we all went out to a local actor's bar and met up with a friend of "J-Dub's". A lot of fun.

"Heidi" and "J-Dub" had to leave pretty early on Tuesday morning and they barely made it back to Turkeyville in time for call. Good times!!

The last few auditions of last week (the ones on Sunday) went alright. The Signal Ensemble one just after noon went well enough. Quick and dirty. I went in, shook the hands of the guys at the table, did the 60 second monologue, and left. It was almost old-timers day at the audition. I walked in and saw "Andrew" and his lovely wife who had come along. Also, "John" (who was supposed to be my comedy/scene partner in a show I had to give up to go to Turkeyville and also showed up at the actor's bar Monday night) was there. Then after they left, "Melissa" and "Katie" showed up and I got to talk to them. Good times!

It's always fun to run into good people that you know at auditions. Unless they're there to take a part away from me. Then they must be killed...

So as I'm writing all of this, "Heidi" is texting me (she's in the middle of her own show right now!) asking why she isn't auditioning for this rock musical because it's right up her alley (and it really is). This may just be the ammunition I need to get her to move into the city once and for all. Anyway, I told her that if she called me after her show gets out, I'd have the address of the place for her. I sent in my stuff to try and get an audition weeks ago. I had mostly given up on it when the agent called today. I guess they are really trying to use as many different avenues to get people in as possible. So I'm sure that, given the right circumstances, "Heidi" will get her shot at this thing. And get it. From what I've seen...she's really great.

Speaking of which, here is the last picture I took in Battle Creek. SP and I had spent the previous evening (the night of the last show and strike) drinking a fairly obscene amount of Jim Beam with "Heidi" and "J-Dub". We woke up the next morning (eventually) and all sort of dragged ourselves out of bed. SP and I finished packing and cleaning the rooms and stuff and then we grabbed the rest of the foursome and we all went to KFC. And we spent the entire time laughing. After that, we went back to the Delta House for one final sweep in case we missed anything, and said our good-byes to "Heidi" and "J-Dub", got in the van and drove off. But I snapped this one last picture of the two of them waving good-bye like they were Mom and Dad sending their boys off to summer camp or college or something. Here is it...

Downloading this picture off of my camera just now was the first time I'd seen it and I like to think that they are already a little sad at our leaving. Especially "Heidi". Maybe I'm just projecting feelings onto their faces. They have already said several times that the entire dynamic of the Delta House has changed since SP and I left and, honestly, that's about the nicest thing they could have said. I miss the two of them very much. Luckily, I know I'll see them both lots of times and for years to come.

At least...that's the hope.

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