Saturday, June 21, 2008

Catchin' up

It's been a busy week.

Tuesday I had an audition for a student film down at Columbia College. Thought I did pretty well but I still haven't heard anything. Ah, well. Anyway, a good friend of mine (we'll call him "Degel") texted me on my way downtown to tell me that he had been laid off the day before. I called him and he said he was downtown headed to a commercial audition so I suggested we get together for some drinks. Which we did. So good to catch up with him again. He's a good guy. We hung out for a few hours until another friend (we'll call him "Caldwell") came by. He and I were going to see Swell Season (the couple who did all the music for the film "Once" and ended up winning the Best Original Song Oscar last year) at the Chicago Theater, which was fantastic.

Wednesday I had a noon-ish audition for Timeline Theater. It didn't go so well. I feel like they put up with me auditioning time and time again. wasn't my best effort. Then, that night, I had an audition for a new-ish group called New Leaf Theater went world's better. After that, I got up to the bike shop where my bike had been tuned up and picked it up. It felt great to have the bike back.

Thursday I went and picked up and then delivered two dozen cupcakes that I had ordered to my agent's office. With some postcard-sized headshots and a little hand-written note thanking them for calling me so much in the last two months and saying that I was back and ready to make them proud and blah blah blah. Then I went home, changed, and hit the lakeshore bike path. I quickly ran into (not literally, of course) a girl I worked with at a major entertainment company (we'll call it "Ticketmaster") here in Chicago. So we caught up...she's married now, a teacher, living on the South Side, and seemingly mentally healthier than she ever was when we worked together...and I went on my merry way. An hour or so later I realized that my left pedal was starting to kind of hitch so I took it by the bike shop and the guy did a quick fix for it but told me to stay off of it for 24 hours while it dried and hardened and took. So I walked the bike home. Which is always fun.

Friday I hung out with an old co-worker (who we'll call "Bernie"...because I know she hates that) in the afternoon and went to see a buddy of mine in a show that evening. Ended up running into some other friends both at the show and then afterwards. It's odd how the people seem to be coming to me now that I'm home. I'm so damn magnetic!

This morning I had a 10AM audition for the Hypocrites' production of "3 Penny Opera". So I sang! And didn't do very well. Had to re-re-re-re-reintroduce myself to the director, Sean Graney. Which explains why I've never been cast or even called back to any of their shows...I guess I don't make much of an impression on the guy. Ah, well. I biked to the audition and on ride home, the same left pedal started hitching again. So, for the third time this week, I took it to the bike shop. And now it looks like they have to replace the crank. Which takes the bike out of commission for somewhere between 7 and 10 days. Grrrrr...

I walked home, talking to "Heidi" from the Mid-Life cast on the way, changed and left for a second audition. The busses and trains conspired against me to make me one and a half hours late to the audition, which is unacceptable. If I had been able to bike, I would have made it on time. ARGH!!!

So now I'm home and watching the Red Sox lose pretty badly. I'm sleepy but I can't seem to sleep. Tonight I go see my friend "Caldwell" in a show with "Degel" and then go out afterward. Tomorrow just after noon I have an audition for Signal Ensemble and then a few hours later I have an audition for Collaboraction's new show called "Heroes and Villians", which I finished reading earlier and is pretty good. The role they are having me read for is a good one. So here's hoping that works out!

Then after those I'm coming home and cleaning and relaxing. Mid-Lifer "Jonathan" will come into town on Sunday to watch the finale of this weekend's Sox/Cubs series and then Monday the hope is that "Heidi" will train in from her home in Niles, Michigan and the three of us (with SP, hopefully) will just hang out and enjoy each other's company again.

So it's a big weekend...and much needed after today's awful day.

Hooray big city livin'!!!!! The One Who Tucks is BACK, baby!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. This blog is great. Please keep it going, as it's a great way for those of us that you never email anymore to learn what you're up to.

2. Boston sucks.

3. I miss you and I'm so totally proud of you.