Saturday, April 19, 2008

Possums, birthdays, and missed opportunities

Accomplished today: So far, nothing. I can't sleep (for about the 6th or 7th night in a row) and thought I would just post.

So yesterday the story came out. One of the guys in the other show (we'll call him "Scott") who lives on the second floor here with me all the way at the other end said that at about 6AM yesterday he thought he heard something in his room. At first he just assumed it was the family of raccoons that has taken up residence under the porch or the pipes or something but then slowly realized that it was in his room. So he turned on the light and looked around and there on his desk was some sort of wide-eyed fuzzy creature. It was a little bigger than a squirrel, he said, and it could jump and climb like crazy. He ended up chasing it around his room for a while (a scene I find hilarious because I know this guy) and finally it disappeared into one of the heating vents in the floor. He originally thought it was a baby raccoon but a quick search on the Internet confirmed it was actually a baby possum.

Wonderful! We've got woodland creatures in our house. This might actually be WORSE than Animal House. So just the thought of it all was enough to make my sleep last night say the least. I asked if he had "happened" to mention it to DM at one of their shows yesterday and he said that he had and that DM was pretty embarrassed by it. Understandable. Bugs would be one thing...because, to a certain extent what can you do?...but animals?!?! Unacceptable, really. Let's all hope that it gets taken care of very soon.

She'll never see this, but today is the birthday of Mix-Master K. So I wanted to give her a shout out and hope that she has a great day. Some people will forever have nicknames and there isn't much they can do about it. Don, for whatever reason, will always be "Monkey Boy". I will never NOT be "Tucker". And Kristine will be "Mix-Master K". It just fits. Anyway, here's to you, K. I will raise a frosty beverage towards Chicago for you later today.

In the category of "missed opportunities", we ended up not going to that bar down the street last night. Once the guys got back from their show and SP came out of his line-studying hole, the subject wasn't brought up and nobody seemed much like going anywhere so I just let the topic die. It sure would have been nice, though, to get out of Delta House and see some different people. Locals, even. Ah, well. Tonight, SP and I go to see the closing performance of the show that's up now, a sort of church-y affair. Lots of traiditonal hymns and whatnot. I dunno. It's supposed to be good and people walking out of it are all hopped up on Jesus and ready to testify (or so the stories I hear would suggest) so I guess it does whatever it's meant to do so it's got that going for it. It'll also be good to see some of the folks in our show do something different. That's always fun. And, of course...there's the turkey dinner. Yum!

Finally, this morning we have a couple of invited guests coming to see the stumble-through rehearsal. The other guy in the gospel show cast (let's call him "Ben") and the leading lady's girlfriend (supposedly an Equity actress...oooooooooooooooh!!!) will be there to watch. So maybe I'm a little nervous about that. But I'll probably never admit it. I feel good about the lines, though some are WAY tough to say. But we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know later.

And, yes, Monkey Boy...I'll give some character information for ya at that point. Keep the comments a-comin'!!!!

1 comment:

highflyinsm said...

Woodland creatures in your room, yup that's Michigan! Be glad you aren't in the U.P, much scarier and bolder animals there. Instead of running they would probably attack. :)