Saturday, April 26, 2008

I am loved!!

Accomplished today: Performed, went to a Marshall watering hole

So we're well into the run of this thing now and I guess you could say that we're starting to click. This afternoon's matinee was pretty good, actually. It was a huge crowd and they seemed to just love everything that I did. SH made a comment during intermission that I could pass gas on stage and the audience would laugh like crazy. And she wasn't too far off. They just seemed to connect with me somehow and it was pretty enjoyable.

We're all now in somewhat of a groove and the lines that are dropped are just dropped and forgotten and it's actually more of a surprise when someone remembers a long-forgotten line. So we're all just left to make this show more fun for everyone. I'm having fun with it and adding stuff as I go, but it's starting to be fun for others in the cast, too, and that's when the fun really starts. Now I get people to play with on stage! So when I do a little gesture or something to the side of the real action, maybe somebody will play on top of that and now it's a whole performance instead of people with wildly different English accents reciting lines to each other.

So maybe the first few audiences didn't get much of a show...I guess you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet (or so they say)...but I think the remaining audiences will get a better show because of it. That's my theory, anyway. We'll see if it holds up.

It's freakin' hot up on that stage. I'm a big sweaty ugly mess by about half-way through Act I. But I couldn't do the part with any less energy. Just not possible. I have to be manic and worried and stuff and that requires a lot of energy. Add in the fact that I'm a bit of a sweater, anyway, and you've got yourself a puddle by the end of the show. Hopefully, I can get my hair cut soon and maybe that will alleviate some of the heat. Trim the beard a little bit...that might help, too. Eh, we'll see. Gotta figure something out.

Or else I'll end up melting completely in the middle of some performance come June. Yikes!

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