Thursday, April 24, 2008

A little excitement!

Accomplished today: Watched the response of Battle Creek's finest, officially opened the big show, did laundry

So I woke up this morning and updated the blog, then went downstairs to have a little something to eat and watch SportsCenter. Which I started to do. But then trucks with lights on the top went past on the driveway, attracting my attention. I went out to the porch and towards the back of the House and...lo and behold...there was a fire in the backyard. I guess there was a small brush fire in an adjacent property and it started to get out of control somehow. It was kind of exciting but it sure did seem like overkill. At one point I counted 10 vehicles and up to 15 fire fighters on the scene. It was sort of amazing. Here...I took some pictures...

Why do I look so happy? Maybe because it's early. Maybe because I didn't sleep well. Maybe because there was a fire. Maybe I'm losing my mind and anything was going to be rather humorous. Your guess is as good as mine.

The driver of this truck was late to the fire party. So the cool fire-fighters made him park near the street and walk up the driveway. Ha! Sucka!

You can't see it, but you must trust me...there are flames out there somewhere. But the smoke is pretty thick.

This picture includes the barn so you can tell that it actually took place behind the Delta House. See all the smoke? Kinda cool, huh?

Smoke! And where there's smoke...there's a small brush fire that the Emmett Township Fire Department needed a few hours to control. Isn't that how the old saying goes?

Let's see...what else happened today? Oh, yeah. We had our very first paying audience this afternoon! A decent house, including two reviewers (or so I'm told), who seemed to laugh at most of the correct places. There were some pretty large stumbling blocks in the show, line-wise, but I have to give it to all of us. We got through it. And I think we did well. After every show, three of us have to go out to the exit doors of the house and greet the folks as they file out. Shake hands and smile nicely and stuff. And, of course, everyone said good stuff and seemed to dig it (of course, what were they going to say? You suck?) and one old lady even told me that I had a new fan in her. Which was sweet.
All-in-all, I'll give the show a positive review. Now...we'll see what the two reviewers have to say!
Oh, and I did laundry today. In the car on the way home, with some of the laundry on my lap, I started sneezing like crazy. Never before has an allergy been so obvious to me. I guess I'm allergic to the laundry detergent. Ah, well. Live and learn.
And sneeze. A lot.


don said...

You missed a great opportunity to pull that fire alarm! Even though the trucks were already there, you could have pulled the damn thing anyway.

The One Who Tucks said...

Damnit! I can't believe I didn't think of that. I really was tired, I guess. This is proof that I need people up here to help me think of fun things to do like that in a crisis.


Is it too much to hope for that there will be another fire in the backyard in the next 8 weeks?