Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The long-awaited Delta House tour!

So with a little time on my hands this morning, I figured I'd get these awesome pictures of the Delta House up. And, because it's how I do...I'll probably give a little commentary as we go. So enjoy!

The picture at the top of this blog is of the Delta House from the street. The front, I suppose. This is the House from the back...pretty much by the barn you've heard about and seen already. The "front" door to the House is on the left-hand side of the this picture up a little ramp by the garbage cans. It's fun.

To the left of the "front" door, please deposit your butts. SP did his duty a week or so ago by dumping this out. Brave guy that he is.

Just inside the front door, here's the entranceway. To the left of the small bookcase there is the TV room and straight ahead is the dining area. To either side of this front door are small rooms filled with junk and random costume pieces. I'm sure there aren't any random woodland creatures in there. Can you feel the sarcasm?

Here's that aforementioned TV room. Two couches, two easy chairs, a table, and a TV. I'm sitting right where the heating pad is in this picture (the pad has been taken away) and watching "Cash Cab".

Go through the dining room and you'll get to the kitchen. It' colored.

Go the other way through the dining room and you'll get to the hallway leading back to three bedrooms (including SP's room). But you have to get past the crumbling ceiling to get there. That circular thing that's hanging down? It's a smoke detector. Fire laws are played fast and loose in Michigan!

Just before the crumbling ceiling there's a half-bathroom. This picture is the ceiling of that bathroom. The light works, though!

In the dining room is the fridge. At the time this picture was taken, there were four guys living here and a fifth had just left for a job in Pennsylvania. Milk, beer, assorted's single guy livin' at it's finest!!

This is the same crumbling ceiling hallway where you can also climb these stairs to the upper six bedrooms. Join me upstairs, won't you?

At the top of the stairs is this odd little room. It has a bunch of random costume pieces on racks and jammed into sinks populating it. At the back of this picture is a doorway. Through that doorway is my "wing" of the House. Three bedrooms and a bathroom (pictures of the bathroom are located on the right-hand side of this blog).

This is the doorway. Room number 4 is off to the right. You can juuuuuuust see into my room there to the left.

This is my room! Lucky room number 5. There's a star on my bedroom door...because I'm a star! Or...something.

And here's where the magic happens. Two beds are better than one so I can sleep catty-corner like always. I like the sheet on the window so I kept it. Really helps to complete the "I'm back in college" feel of my life.

Here is a bedside table that I took from one of the other vacant rooms. Books, my ill-gotten Black Duck, and usually my computer when I'm not sitting on the couch with it.

And this is the view I have from the sheet-covered window. That road is Verona Road in lovely Battle Creek. I wish I could say that it was raining when I took this picture but the weather is ALWAYS overcast in Battle Creek. OK, that's not necessarily true. But it felt like it for a while.
So there you go. For better or worse, a little tour through the Delta House. Hope it was worth it. I'll post more later.
I promise...


DB said...

Loved the pictures. Guess the house has possibilities, but it would take a lot of money to get it off the "condemned" list, what with the chancy wiring and the ceiling holes. Not to mention the wildlife - four-legged, that is.

Unknown said...

Of course there are not 'random woodland creatures' in those tiny costume-filled rooms. There are Oppossums, Racoons, maybe a Puma . . . you know, the usual!
And, I do enjoy the uber bright kitchen. *snicker, snicker*