Sunday, April 13, 2008

Imaginary turkeys, snow, and the Red Sox

Accomplished today (since the last post): Finished blocking the show, studied lines, found a sports bar to watch baseball, got drunk, didn't do much

Well, the first victim of stir craziness would have to be, after all is said and done, SP. Yesterday morning, I came downstairs to find him talking about wild turkeys running around the yard. Of course, there was nothing out there when I looked. I think he's been drinking the water here. I need to try and ween him off of that before he starts seeing big pink elephants wandering around onstage during a performance!

Anyway, we finished blocking the show Saturday morning in a marathon 2 hour rehearsal. That left us with nothing to do from noon on Saturday until 10AM on Monday. Almost 48 hours with nothing going on. (---sigh---) What are we supposed to do? So we studied for the better part of Saturday afternoon and then decided to try and go find a sports bar late in the afternoon to watch the Red Sox/Yankees game (SP is a Yankees fan). That led to a lot of drinking, which I think was exactly what we needed to relax. I passed out pretty late (we found John Carpenter's "The Thing" on TV and I think I made everyone watch it all the way through) and slept until about 11AM.

Today I studied for a while and then just couldn't do it any longer. So I watched TV (SP found, of all things, "Animal House" playing!!) and then SP and I went to get some KFC (acronym warning!) and then watched ESPN for the rubber match of the Red Sox/Yankees series. That's what I'm doing now...watching the Red Sox hold on to a 7-4 lead over those cheaters from New York. And I got to hear from my brother during the early innings so it was a good day, all-in-all.

It was cold this weekend, as expected, and actually snowed through most of the day today (though none of it stuck). But since I didn't have to go outside too often, I was fine. It just gets a little cold in the morning. Of course, I'm not sporting much in the way of blankets so it's understandable that I might be a bit chilly. Whatever.

So I guess tomorrow morning starts the real push towards Opening. Blocking is done and now it's just running and running and working and all that stuff. Which is always the best part for me because the more we run stuff the easier it is for me to memorize lines. I've never been one to just sit and learn and that's why I didn't do too well with the recent understudying gig that I had. I need the physical reinforcement of the blocking to go with the lines. That's, I guess, just the way that I roll.

Or something.

So this afternoon I quickly put together the blog site and will slowly put it out to people. I also have put some pictures onto the laptop, which was kinda cool. Now I know that I can do that so the more pictures I can take, the more pictures I can put on the blog and show what I'm doing and dealing with here. So that's good.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get people to come up here and visit. I'm hoping that I can get a few people here. It'd be fun to have friends from home around, even if it's for a day or two. So if you're reading this and want to come up and visit, I will tell you right now...COME! PLEASE COME!!! You'll have a good time, I swear you will. At the very least I'll promise to buy you a drink and some sort of turkey meal of your choice.

That's about the best I can do for now. Maybe I'll be a bit more generous or giving when you show up. For real.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd tell the Yankee fan he's going to have a long Summer..