Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another 50 hours

So we just got back from the big matinee show and we learned that we, once again, have 50 hours with nothing to do. Tomorrow's matinee has been cancelled and so has Friday's matinee. So our next show isn't until Friday evening. Let the "doing nothing" commence!

Also, I learned today that SP isn't planning on going home this weekend. Whoops! Glad I asked. Not only have I made plans, but I have also got some auditions this Sunday back in the city. So it looks like I'm going the Amtrak way. Not ideal, but definitely less money than renting a car (and paying for gas as I go...and looking for parking in Chicago...and tolls...etc, etc, etc...). I'll have to look into the schedules and whatnot this afternoon (I have plenty of time, after all). Just one more thing to pile on.

As for the show...which is what this blog is about, not my travel arrangements for various's starting to get rather mush-mouthed by a lot of people. Concentration is at an all-time low, it seems, and that gets wildly frustrating to be on stage with. We're picking up the pace of it, for the most part, but it could still be a LOT faster. At this point, though, everyone seems to be happy with what we're putting out there for people to see and so there isn't any more work being done. That always drives me a little crazy. As performers, we can never stop giving 100% to each performance. Sure, I joke a lot about giving less than my all (usually depending on the low attendence for a given show) but I would never sleepwalk through a show. It just doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

I dunno. I woke up in kind of a pissy mood today and I'm trying not to let it effect my thoughts on the show but it's tough. I are we not selling this show well? Is marketing this thing REALLY that hard to do? I'm freakin' stuck here so why can't I just do the show? How aren't more school groups coming to this thing? It's the end of the school year...drama classes HAVE to be looking for something to waste time on. Enter "Don't Dress For Dinner"! It seems almost like a no-brainer.

Ah, well...what the hell do I know?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i would suggest trying to something with a local youth group, the library, hell bus a dumptruck full of folks from the senior center in for one show. Even if they don't serve dinner I bet someone would appreciatte the entertainmet.

just a thought