Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mutha's Day in the BC

So it's Sunday. And SP has opted not to go home this weekend so that means that I, also, have opted not to go home this weekend.

So it's Sunday afternoon and we're watching "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (edited for television) and diving into some beer and snack food and listening to the rain come down outside. I guess it's pretty rainy back home, too, but at least I'd be in my own bed and hanging with friends and seeing people I really want to see. No offense to SP...but I see him every day. It's a good thing we get along so well because this living arrangement could have ended up being disasterous otherwise.

The show has, in my mind, officially plateau-ed (if that's even a word). It's probably just not going to get any better. SH is all over the place, line-wise. Most two-person scenes are chances for me to relax a little bit and get a nice rest. (The group scenes are more manic and, therefore, tiring.) But the scenes I have with SH are nothing but tense. I never know if she's going to remember what's going on or the order of things or if she'll run awkwardly into a wall (which she has done a few times this past week) or what. It's all very distracting.

But otherwise, it's a fun time...doing the show. The people are nice and we all pretty much get along. Sometimes, I actually wish I had less stage time so that I could hang out more with them. But I guess trading stage time for time to sit around backstage is kind of silly. So let's forget I ever said anything like that.

We had photo call on Tuesday after the show so let's see if I can put some Tucker-centric pictures up here...

Me...caught in a compromising position. Last night we had to do this pose (and all the other bawdy things we do in this show) in front of two kids who had to be maybe 10 years old. Most of the cast was worried about doing and saying some of these things in front of them but I wasn't worried. At least I don't have to explain things or answer their questions afterward!!

Me...caught in a somewhat compromising position. It's pretty much all I do in this show, I'm beginning to think.

Me...doin' the tango. We open the second act with this little number.

Me...doing my best "Kilroy was here" acting.

Me...all lovey-dovey and stuff. a pose on the phone that never happens in the show. I don't know why the director wanted us all to do this pose but we did it anyway. Arguing would have made the whole photo call go slower. a fight for life. of the phone. The phone that never hangs up (it's broken). It's fun working with broken props.

Me...getting "proposed" to. This moment never gets the laughs we thought it would when we were rehearsing it. I still think it's funny, though.

So there you have it. Pictures of me! Lucky you!!

OK...the big face-melting scene in "Raiders" is about to happen. And I need a fresh beer. So I'd better go. Enjoy Mother's Day out there...wherever you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pics.