Friday, October 17, 2008

The saga continues...

Thought (veeeeeeery briefly) about posting all of this last night when I got home from the big show but the Red Sox were busy staging their amazing comeback on the Rays so I watched that...and celebrated with a little Beam...instead. But here we go...

I got picked up at the usual time and place by "Jason" to head off to the big show last night. We get there and as I'm organizing some comps for folks coming in this weekend to see the show, I notice a slip of paper on the desk announcing that "Russ" from "Chicago Dramatists" has made a reservation for that evening's performance. Are you kidding me?! This will never end.

So all through the pre-show time getting dressed and playing solitaire and stuff, we all talked about (among other things) our individual run-ins with "Russ". Each of us had a story except for "Tim", but he was (true to form) chiming in and making jokes along with the rest of us. So we do the show, which turned out to be not bad. (It SURE does get warm in there sometimes...) Afterwards, we all go back to the dressing room and change and get our stuff and slowly wander out to the lobby to eventually leave. Outside, who is standing there milling about? "Russ", of course! (Or did you not see the title of this post?) Most of us go outside (not "Jason", who takes a little extra time to get some of the white out of his hair) and "Russ" tells us each what a good job we all did. He then looks at me and asks if he and I had spoken the night before. I said that, indeed, we had. He then apologized that he was so rude and explained that there were about 4 people right there wanting stuff at the time that I called.

Then he told me that the callbacks were going to happen in a bit and that I was definitely going to be called back. He then wandered off into the night, presumably to find his car. Everybody seemed pretty impressed that "Russ" had stuck around specifically, it seemed, to tell me that I was going to be called back but I don't know. At this point, I'm not expecting anything, though. I almost seems from one moment to the next, "Russ" has a change of heart or mind. And I refuse to, at this point, get my hopes up in any way.

We'll just have to wait and see how this all works itself out.


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