Thursday, October 30, 2008

Half-way home

So it's almost 5PM on Thursday. The day before Halloween. And I just got back to the Delta House from today's matinee. Each show is different than the one before it and I'm not so convinced that that is a good thing. The format of the show could use some MAJOR tweaking and DM could stand to be a little less heavy-handed with the "narration" that he provides. He actually seems a little (playfully) offended when an audience member starts talking on their own instead of waiting for him to feed them lines. And that's not very fun at all. SH and I go on forever and ever in our scene. The least DM could do is allow the audience member to have a little fun while he/she is up there. Once they have their fun, THEN DM can jump in and start shaping the scene the way he feels it needs to be going.

But whatever. The audience seems to be enjoying themselves...which is really all that matters. I suppose.

Yesterday I received yet another call from the agent. This time it was with a theatrical thing that, in the end, just didn't pan out. It was a last-minute thing and I just can't bring myself, at this point, to leave "Six Degrees" with only about two weeks left. So once again, last minute casting sort of screws me. I just don't understand why Casting and Artistic Directors wait so long sometimes to get things done. And, of course, I just know that if I were to decide to not accept parts with the expectation that good, professional, paying gigs will come to me at the 11th hour...that'll end up never happening.

Sometimes this business drives me insane. Anyway...I'm stuck in "Six Degrees" at this point. For better or for worse. I'm not thrilled about it but that's the way it is.

I'm gonna get to head down to Nappanee, Indiana late Saturday night to see Heidi, which is awesome. It's been a rough and VERY long couple of weeks and I really need to see her. While I'm down there I will also (maybe) be able to let people know that I've got nothing going on, gig-wise, after the new year and someone's interest will be piqued. Or not. To be honest, the only reason I'll be there at all is for time with Heidi and anything else that goes on or happens is just gravy. I miss her something awful.

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