Thursday, May 1, 2008

Who you talkin' to?!?!

Accomplished today (since the last post): Well, not much. Just some shows, really. My life in Michigan will get infinitely more boring now. Hoo-friggin'-ray!

So here it is...Thursday morning already. And here it is...May! Wow. April went pretty quickly, huh?

Well, the show is still struggling a little bit. There are long stretches where we're clicking and moving along quite nicely, but then we're always brought back down to Earth by just a half-page or so that's tricky and everything slows down and all I'm looking at on stage are either confused faces or people who are pretty much helpless to do anything about the carnage. Those parts suck. A lot. But when we're coasting along and getting laughs, it's a lot of fun out there. And that feels good.

I seem to be doing pretty well with the audiences. On Tuesday, the house was fantastic. Just laughed at everything and it was such a good way to get the week started up again after a couple of days off. Towards the end of the show, I'm left to try and wrap things up and I launch into a long, confusing, seemingly made-up story trying to explain everything that's gone on and just as I was ready to launch into that monologue, one little old woman in the very front row (which is about 5 feet away from where I'm sitting at that point) turned to another little old woman sitting next to her and said "he's very good". It threw me off for a second.

I think a little of why I was thrown off was hearing that somebody thought I was good. A little more was because it was odd that I could actually hear it. And then half-way through the monologue I got even more thrown off because I was embarrassed for myself that I actually thought the old woman was talking about me. I had just assumed that. And that is kinda lame of me. There are two other guys in the show. And one of those guys is right there on stage with me at the time this old woman said that. Why did I just assume she was talking to me? So I got sorta down on myself for that. That wasn't right of me to think that.

Anyway...Tuesday's audience was packed. And yesterday's house was packed even more so. Today? Ah, who knows. We do know that Friday's matinee is already cancelled due to lack of So we seem to be running sort of hot and cold with this show. Whatever. I get paid the same whether there's an audience or not. (Cold-hearted actor that I am.)

An unfinished topic: Yes, after many questions, I realized that I never really ended the saga of SP's van getting fixed. So the story ended last Saturday when he got the part fixed and it's been running fairly well ever since. Hope that sewed up any lingering questions about that.

I guess that's about it from here. Today I go grocery shopping and maybe try to find a place to print off some resumes to send around. Hey...I gotta find some work. In June, I'm back to being unemployed.

(---deep dramatic sigh---)


Unknown said...

Looks like you're getting a fan base

The One Who Tucks said...

"Getting", Big Chim, or "building". I thought I'd had an active fan base ever since college...

Now I have to wonder about my whole life. ARGH!!!