Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just a whole lotta nuthin'

So last night I got a call from my agent. She's really cool and really sweet and pretty funny but she's calling me all the time these days. That's great news, though, isn't it? Not really. Not when I'm only available to audition on Mondays and all these auditions are happening on OTHER days of the week. (---sigh---) So I get to call back and say once again that I can't make the audition but thanks for calling and thinking of me and blah blah blah...

It just sucks. I know what I'm gonna have to do when I finally get back to town is send ole Jess and her crew over there a bunch of baked goods or something with a note announcing that I'm back in town and ready to kick some ass so send me out!!! This business is all about shelling out money in order to (ideally and hopefully) make a little money. Headshots, postage, eating out a lot because you're never home, audition clothes, stupid things like sending cookies to an's all stuff that adds up. And most of the shows I do pay me somewhere between nothing and $ Pathetic.

And exhausting.

So for the past two weeks or so whenever I come downstairs in the morning and walk into the TV room to drop my laptop and get some water and stuff, SP is sitting in his chair (we seem to have our "regular" places) and watching "The View". So for the first few, who am I kidding, EVERY day...I tease him a little bit about it. But it's kept going. And going. And going. Every morning. At first he was "defending" himself by saying that the really attractive redhead from "Desperate Housewives" was on or some such thing which wasn't bad for a day or two can you still find anything attractive after looking at Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks straight?

Needless to say, I'm now taking every opportunity that I can to give him a jab about watching "The View". Because, let's admit it...he very much deserves my playful ridicule.

So Big Chim Chim says I should go into the strange ante-room place on the second floor that I am convinced holds many woodland creatures because they could be up there plotting an overthrow of the Delta House. SP and I ended up never going up there the other night. But BCC may be right. So I'm thinking that after SP and I do the big show, go do some much-needed laundry, then head down to the nearby bar and grill for dinner (just to get out of this cursed house for a few hours), maybe I'll get him to go up there with me and check out the mysterious room. I'll be sure to let y'all know how that ends up going...

1 comment:

DB said...

At least it's The View and not Regis and Kelly. The View is at least a shade more intelligent and entertaining (although they tend to over-talk and then it's just a bunch of cackling hens. "Pick-a-little" from Music Man comes to mind).