Friday, May 2, 2008

Facebook creeps me out...excites me.

So I am interrupting my usual half-hearted, boring post for the day in order to say that over the past few days I've tried to find the most random Facebook friend that I can. It started with finding a long-lost ex-girlfriend and then looking for high school friends. After finding a few (and my brother, which was a surprise) and thinking I had found the most random Facebook friend yet (she played my girlfriend in a show my senior year in high school), suddenly this morning I get a message from a girl who was a year ahead of me in high school and her best friend in on my friends list. Random, yes. But I couldn't remember why this mutual friend was on my list. Anyway, so the girl from high school and I get to talking and it turns out we were in "Guys & Dolls" together my sophomore year and she ended up going to college with two of my very best friends here in Chicago from my first few years here. Thus making her my most random Facebook friend!

Six Degrees of Seperation is for amateurs!! Give me two degrees...three tops...and I can find ANYONE! I'm starting to believe that maybe I am, in fact, the center of the universe. And I want to find more people!

Anyway...this afternoon's matinee has been cancelled so we've only got the one show tonight. This is now the longer bit of down time we've had here with the exception of our two days off from shows on Sundays and Mondays. SP and I celebrated that down time last night with grocery shopping and drinks. Many drinks. Too many drinks for poor ole SP, who passed out in one of the recliners as I watched "Frazier" reruns and chatted with my most-recent Facebook friend, my brother. But he did hit that "fuzzy yet stumbly" long enough to show me this student movie he was in a few years ago. And he was incredibly good. I was, honestly, blown away. And it made me want those two student films that I did last year even more. So I'm upping the pressure on these folks to get me copies of these things. I think they might be good but it would be interesting to see how they ended up.

This morning and early afternoon I'm spending some time looking for auditions back in the city and elsewhere. I hope to mail off a bunch of headshots and resumes before the show tonight. So the business of the job continues. I'm starting to get a bit worried that I don't have anything to do once I get back to Chicago. Daddy needs to work. So I'll be doing that once I publish this post. Fun fun fun!

Anyway...there ya go...some Friday morning ramblings.


DB said...'re doing all that drinking just to keep up the college frat house (Delta House) image? Seems to me like a couple of shows have now been cancelled, and those are blocks of time when the cast planned to be together anyway and could iron out some of those rough spots?

Sarah said...

I heard you were doing some serious Facebooking (yes, Don has know made it a verb).
Seems many people (mostly me) are thinking: hmmm what's next?

The One Who Tucks said...

To db: Actually, this afternoon's show is the first (and only?) one so far that's been cancelled. But yes, it would be a good thing to be able to sit everyone down and go over it once more, but the "locals" have semi-regular jobs and I doubt they'd be up for it. I'd be fine with it, though.

To sarah: But it's totally fun. I love finding the most random Facebook friend I can!

don said...

I agree that facebook is creepy... and that's precisely why I LOVE IT! It's the perfect outlet for my special brand of creepiness.

don said...

I found the most random facebook friend ever, and Tucker knows it! Ask him!

DB said...

So, Don...who?