Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Damn that Heidi (in the best way)

It would be sort of irresponsible (after not posting for an entire month) to allow the day to pass without making public mention of the fact that it was 6 months ago today that I met Heidi. Almost since Day One, when I sort of fell in love with her at the sight of her Boston Red Sox hat when she first walked into the Delta House, I've been doing my level best to try and tell her just how much she means to me and how fortunate I am to have her be a part of my life. And I always feel like I'm falling juuuuuuust a bit short. Well, last week I spent a few days in Indiana and Michigan with her in order to see her and meet some of her family at Thanksgiving dinner. So we went to dinner on Thursday and had a good time and went back to the Gray House (the Nappanee, Indiana equivelant to the Battle Creek Delta House) to hang out that evening and while sitting at the table drinking some wine and playing Trivial Pursuit, she suddenly told me that she was so happy that I was there with her and...well, it sort of melted my heart. It definitely meant the world to me to hear that from her.

Leave it to Heidi to say in a few simple words what I've been trying to get across for months.

There are some business-type things that I should talk about but I'll do it tomorrow or over the upcoming weekend. Right now, I'm just missing Heidi and so I thought I'd post a little something.

Have a great night, everyone.

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