Tuesday, July 22, 2008

People are always leaving

First things first...I got that weird Circle Theater show that I mentioned getting called back for in my last post. The callbacks were Saturday morning, they cast the show Sunday morning, and Monday night was the first rehearsal. Thanks for the time to move schedules around, Circle!! Turns out the director is a University of Memphis grad (MFA, 2000) and the guy playing my son went to Governors School in Tennessee with Jo Lenhart, the voice professor at Memphis. Small friggin' world!

Anyway, looks like I'm set for the rest of the calendar year. "Escanaba In Love" at Circle and then "Six Degrees Of Serperation" with Signal Ensemble. Cool.

Early Sunday afternoon brought the arrival of "Heidi" and "Jonathan" from the Delta House. We hooked up with SP and his wife and the five of us went down to Navy Pier for some touristy-type fun. "Heidi" wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel, which I have never done because of my wacky fear of heights, and so away we went. And we had fun. After some burgers and beers, we all came back here to hang for a little while and then we did a dive bar pub crawl for a little while. So much fun. Monday was more hanging out (with a short voice-over audition downtown) and then they drove me out to Forest Park for the Circle rehearsal before heading off to Battle Creek again. All told, they were here for about 30 hours and that's just not enough time for my liking.

This morning I got up and walked up to SP's apartment to help him and his wife move stuff out of the apartment into the U-Haul for their trek to Cincy. A couple of hours later and the apartment was empty, the truck was full, the three of us were sweaty tired messes, and I was on the walk back here to shower and maybe nap. I did one. Now it's time to do the other. I hope I don't need to say which one I did first...

SP's wife is mere hours away from being a part of Turkeyville's next show, "Church Basement Ladies". I find it humorous. She'll be trapped in Battle Creek at the Delta House while SP is out on the road in the Western portion of the country touring. What a happy couple!

Well, I guess that's about it for now. Time to nap. G'night...

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