Thursday, July 17, 2008

Keepin' on keepin' on

The whole reason I even bothered to leave the BC again on Saturday was to be in town for this audition Sunday night. If I didn't have that, I might have tried to convince the Delta Housers to let me come along to Cedar Pointe and hang out with them. But...alas..."work" gets in the way. So I did a couple of errand-y type things and then heard from "Heidi" about how she had broken away from the pack for a while (making me wish I was there even more) and then I went off to the audition. An hour and a half travel time (love the CTA) for a chance to do my 60 second monologue that I was convinced he wasn't even listening to. (---sigh---) Then an hour and a half back to sulk in my apartment.

Luckily for me, I was getting constant updates from "Heidi" about how the Delta House group was struggling to get together to leave the park and try and get home. So at least I wasn't having the WORST evening of everyone I knew!

So Tuesday I got invited to callbacks for that show. Who knew? My radar for how auditions go is so completely messed up. Almost without fail, whenever I think I do poorly I get the job (or callback or whatever) and when I feel like I nailed it...nothing. I don't understand how I can be so off about it. Huh.

Last night I had another audition (for a show in the spring of 2009...which seems so far away right now that I actually chuckled when the director asked if I had any conflicts) we go again...I think I did really well with. He's casting in the next two weeks so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I got to read with a great actress who took direction and had her own ideas and was just full of energy...very nice to have that opportunity. In fact (he says, hoping not to jinx the whole thing) I wouldn't be surprised if we were both cast because we got along great and had a good time reading and stuff. Good times.

Tonight I audition for a Columbia student film and then on Saturday morning I go back to the callback for the Circle Theater show that I thought I had blown on Sunday night. I know a couple of people who were also called back so that'll be fun. In between all that, I keep checking my phone to see if the agent has called about that wacky Army industrial film I auditioned for last week (which I can't believe I might not hear about) and cleaning the apartment up for weekend guests.

The Delta Housers "Heidi" and "Jonathan" are coming into town either very late Saturday or early Sunday to hang for a couple of days so that we can all hang out with SP before he takes off for all points Cincinnati and then Boston for the tour he got. So it'll be the four of us again (along with SP's wife...who is also awesome) just hanging out and I couldn't be more excited for it. I know "Heidi" wants to go ride the Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier, which terrifies me like crazy. But she has promised to ride it with me so how can I turn that down? I may die of a heart attack or anxiety...but it'd be worth it.

But there's a lot to look forward to in the next several days. Which keeps me going. Something has to, I guess...

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