Sunday, March 29, 2009

Higher Forces At Work, Perhaps?

After all the debate of the past week (Should he go? Shouldn't he go? Oh, the cliffhanger ending left me wondering!) about the audition in New York and all of my attemps at figuring out the best way to get out there, do the audition, and come back in time for last night's curtain at 8PM, I opted to not go to New York for the day. It all seemed like too much of a hassle. And, as I think I said in the previous post, quite seriously everything in the world was going to have to fall my way in order for me make it back in time. It all felt a bit too risky.

So yesterday (the day of the audition), I stayed inside all day working on some computer stuff...more on that later...and when I finally left the building to head to the theater, Chicago was in the midst of a fairly impressive early-Spring cold weather storm. Not snow, exactly (that came later and continues on as I type this), but heavy sleet and temperatures hovering around freezing and a wind like you wouldn't believe. Essentially, weather bad enough to more than likely cause heavy delays in air travel. So had I gone to New York there was practically no chance that I would have made it back to the city on time for the show.

So I guess I made the right decision. This time...

So that left me to fool with the computer all day yesterday. What did I do on the computer? I tried to upload video of myself acting, of course! (Why, what do YOU do on your computer?) Friday early afternoon Heidi and I had a very nice, very long (nearly an hour and a half) phone interview/conference call with a woman in Seattle who is looking for couples to travel around portions of the country to various travel agencies and essentially sell, through a show-type atmosphere, various cruises to and tours around Alaska. It would mean about a two-month stretch of traveling around with Heidi, seeing some of the country, getting nicely paid, and finally going to visit Alaska! So at the end of the interview, this woman asked us to e-mail her some video of both of us acting, singing, performing, etc.... I don't know many people who actually have video of themselves acting so yesterday I spent the day trying to find video (like student films) and then copy it to my laptop so that could upload it or put it in an e-mail to this woman. And all I really got done was figure out that I don't know much of anything about technology.

Monkey Boy was of a lot of help. As was R-Son (tee hee!!). And I was finally able to find a student film online to link to and I'm trying to find a way to get some more somehow. I am determined to get this to work. Heidi, of course, managed to find some video (and audio...!!!!) of her and send it off already. Yikes! So now it's all on me to get this done. Because I feel like we're soooooo close to actually getting this job and...well...daddy needs hisself a job!

Meanwhile, the other day I got an e-mail out of nowhere asking me about my interest in understudying at a theater in a north suburb that I've come very close to working with a few times in the past several years. I hate the thought of understudying but I like the though of finally working at this theater. Nothing is done as of yet but it's nice to occassionally be thought of for roles...even if it is in a "back-up" kind of way. So we'll see.

Irons always in the fire. Maybe THAT should be the title of my autobiography...

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