Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Year In The Making

I couldn't let today go by without acknowledging that it has been a year since leaving Chicago for Battle Creek, the Delta House, Turkeyville, and (two months down the line) the girl of my dreams. In some ways, my life hasn't changed a whole lot but in other ways it has changed a lot. I've had a lot of opportunities this past year. A lot of traveling (even if it was just to Michigan or Indiana for the most part). I've met a lot of new and interesting and cool people and managed (I think) to stay close to most of the cool and interesting people I've known here. My outlook on things have changed, I think, more than anything else. My idea of what kind of career path I want to try to follow has gone through a lot of changes.

I dunno.

Things are still up in the air quite a bit. But I like where I am, for the most part, and I like what's going on in my life these days.

Life is good. I refuse to complain about things today. The sun is out and things are in motion and I'm feeling pretty good.

A year. Wow! I can't believe it's been a year...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday morning round-up

So the past four days have been a whirlwind of activity. I'm only now really able to sit down and take it all in and process what's been going on. So let's see...

Friday afternoon I was going to look at my e-mail and discovered one from Marie, the casting director-type woman from the job that Heidi and I have been trying to get. (Loyal readers will remember that I spent most of the previous Saturday finding, converting, and sending video of myself acting.) It was a simple e-mail requesting that we call her as soon as we could. Well, I knew that Heidi was crazy busy on Friday and so I called in the hopes of scheduling some kind of call. Marie said that wasn't a problem as long as I passed on all the information that she had. And then she proceeded to hire us! She threw a ton of dates and information at me, all of which I wrote down, and then called Heidi and left an excited message telling her about it.

In short, we go to Seattle on July 20th for a couple of days of rehearsal and then we all go on a two-week tour of Alaska!! We do all the touristy-type stuff (hike a glacier? river raft? hunt moose? who knows...), then go back to Seattle for another week or so of training and then, basically, Heidi and I are off on a trip around the country (or...most of it) saying what a great time these Alaskan trips/cruises are! We do that until the very end of September, paid rather well to do so! HOORAY!!! Heidi and I are stoopid excited about this opportunity and can't wait to get started.

Friday night I had a show and my friend Burnie came to see it! Well, the Tucker Guarantee states that we have some drinks afterward so she stuck around the theater and had some drinks with us. Heidi came into town (she was planning on doing so even before the job offer) and cabbed it over to the theater for wine and pizza for a little while. Fun stuff, despite the fact that I was having stomach issues most of the night (Heidi and I decided that it was the sudden release of stress from getting the good job that effected my stomach...I guess that's where I hold my stress?).

Saturday, Heidi and I watched some "Lost", had a great breakfast, walked around (the weather was pretty nice), went to find books about Alaska at Borders, then we had to get her downtown to the train so she could get home. In and out of town in less than 24 hours. While I hated that she couldn't stay longer, I was so glad that she took the time to come and see me. She's really the best.


Sunday I took a day-long workshop downtown about film and commercial auditioning. It was helpful and rather fun but mostly just solidified things about the business that I already knew. And, it a nutshell...the business sucks. Though, at this point, what else am I supposed to do?


Yesterday I woke up early and headed off to the first rehearsal for "The Lieutenant of Inishmore" at Northlight Theater in Skokie, where I am understudying. I did a lot of sitting around but I think it's gonna be a good show. And, for what it's worth, I actually plan on seeing this understudy gig through until the end...even though it scares me to death. It's a little pay and I'm told some Equity points, which is good, and it's a theater I've wanted to work with for a while. We shall see. I haven't gotten a true offer or a contract just yet so I am skeptical. But I was there all day.

Then, last night, we had Actor's Night for the big show where I'm pretty sure I stunk the place up and didn't at all defend the reviewer's assertion that I am "a funny man". Ah, well.

So there's my weekend in as few words as I can muster. Aaaaaaaaand now I'm tired again. I'm off to shower and get some stuff together in case I get called into an audition today (it's a long story for another time).

Back to always moving around...